Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Level: Bachelor Semester – Fall Year : 2006

Pokhara University

Level:  Bachelor
Semester – Fall
Year         : 2006
Programme: BE
Full Marks: 100
Course: Object Oriented Programming in C++
Time         : 3hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

a)      Explain in your own words how object oriented programming permits the development of reusable software components. Also, list the three most important features of an object oriented programming language.
b)      Explain and contrast the following:
·         Interface and Implementation
·         Programming in the small and Programming in the large


a)            What is the difference between a message and a procedure call? Explain in detail the message passing syntax in C++. 
b)          Create a new class named City that will have two member variables CityName (char[20]), and DistFromKtm (float). Add member functions to set and retrieve the CityName and DistFromKtm separately. Add new member function AddDistance that takes two arguments of class City and returns the sum of DistFromKtm of two arguments. In the main function, initialise three city objects. Set the first and second city to be Pokhara and Dhangadi. Display the sum of DistFromKtm of Pokhara and Dhangadi calling AddDistance function of third City object.


a)        What is generic programming and explain how it is implemented in C++? What do you mean by STL and container classes.
b)       Explain Polymorphic Variables and Deferred Methods. When is the use of Deferred Methods preferred?

a)        A company needs to keep record of its following employees:
i) Manager       ii) Supervisor
The record requires name and salary of both employees. In addition, it also requires section_name (i.e. name of section, example Accounts, Marketing, etc.) for the Manager and  group_id (Group identification number, e.g. 205, 112, etc.) for the Supervisor. Design classes for the above requirement. Each of the classes should have a function called get() to get data from the user and a function called put() to display the data on the screen. Write a main program to test your classes. What form of inheritance will the classes hold in this case?
b)       Explain briefly the theory of “Composition” and “Substitutability” in respect to software reusability.


a)        What do you mean by dynamic initialisation of object? Why do we need to do this and how is it achieved?
b)       Explain different types of inheritance with the relative merits and demerits of each type. Support your answer with examples.

a)        Create a class with two integer data members, a constructor that sets the values of the members to the values passed to it as parameters and a function to display the values of the members.
Overload ‘+’ operator such that when you do A = B + C; where A, B and C are objects of that class and data members of B should be added to data members of C leaving the result in object A. Write the main program to test this operation.

b)       What do you mean by CRC card? When is it useful? Draw CRC card for the information as given in question no. 4 (a) above.

Write short notes (Any Two):
a) Computation as Simulation
b) Stack versus Heap Storage Allocation
c) Access Specifiers for Class Visibility


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